
Thursday, 22 September 2016

[Koloa An Te Pounamu] Writing word problems

 LI: To choose addition or subtract to solve word problems. We had an equation and we had to solve it using addition and and subtraction. We had different equations it got harder and harder but I keep going and going and never gave up I got all my equations right and did really good and learnt a lot.

Friday, 16 September 2016

Ancient and Modern Olympics

In Inquiry I am learning about ancien and modern olympics.
L.I To use google search to find Images

The Robber's Mask

LI: to find the most important (main) idea in a text.

Maths DLO

LI: to solve word problems using subtraction.

How to make a Vanilla ice cream

L.I To Write a Procedural text.

The Robber's Mask

LI: to find the most important (main) idea in a text.

Friday, 9 September 2016

Ancient and Modern Olympics - Javeylor,Koloa and Jona

L.I To Use Google Search To Find Images

type here

Ancient and Modern Olympics - Javeylor,Koloa and Jona

L.I To Use Google Search To Find Images

The Robber's Mask


LI: to find the most important (main) idea in a text.


LI: to solve word problems using addition.


L.I to use a range of vocabulary to create a picture in the reader's head.
In my group Te wai pounamu we had to use E D U C A T I O N to describe

Friday, 2 September 2016

Group 3 - The Olympics: Diet

Basic Subtraction 3 and 4


Today for Reading our must do task was use the template just above and had to take screen shoots of what we did for Reading , What the point of the article was , Explain what we did for Reading and give a example. I learnt from Reading the book that Comets travel in from the outside edge of the solar system and that every time a comet travels around the sun some of it's icy material starts to evaporate. I was very struggling on answering the questions that were related to text and explaining what a timeline was.

Rugby Cluster


This week for writing we had to do a acrostic poem about my self using my name Koloa.